It is so cool to be raising two little boys. This idea never really entered my mind growing up in a family with an older brother and two younger sisters and having mainly aunts. Sisters was what I knew and I didn't have an immediate example of what brothers were like.

Now I do! At the moment, I have a BIG boy who we affectionately call our Labrador because his size, energy levels, and coordination resemble a big and friendly puppy :) And I have my baby boy who still has that soft, squishy baby quality that I cannot snuggle enough! There is a 5+ year age gap between them so I'm not seeing them so much as brothers than as a big kid who is awfully sweet and gentle with his littlest sibling. Luke, for his part, adores both Jack and Cora.
So what's Jack like at 7.5?
Now I do! At the moment, I have a BIG boy who we affectionately call our Labrador because his size, energy levels, and coordination resemble a big and friendly puppy :) And I have my baby boy who still has that soft, squishy baby quality that I cannot snuggle enough! There is a 5+ year age gap between them so I'm not seeing them so much as brothers than as a big kid who is awfully sweet and gentle with his littlest sibling. Luke, for his part, adores both Jack and Cora.
So what's Jack like at 7.5?
- Avid, avid reader - most mornings Luke's cries wake me and I'll go to his room and see that Jack's light is already on and he's reading in his bed. He had met two summer reading goals by the end of May and has set a personal goal to double/triple, etc. the 2017-page NOLA library goal. He's at 5,000+ at the moment.
- He's persistently persistent. Case in point: he read the first three Harry Potter books this spring and then immediately wanted to read the 4th. I checked my Commonsensemedia resource and it says there is a definite darker shift in the 4th book. (I've not read the series.) So I said no that he'd need to wait until he was older. About an hour later he asked again. And the next day and the next day and the next day. And then he started negotiating. And he's darn good at that! So pretty soon I had agreed that if he reread the first three then we could start the fourth one together. I wasn't sure if he'd fully comprehended the first three so I thought it would be a good test. In the end he amended his original negotiation to swap out two other books for HP1 and 2 and then he read those books and HP3 in one week. So now it's June and he's reading the 4th book. While I'd love to read all the time, I can't, which means he's reading the 4th one to himself and I'm occasionally checking in with "Is it scary yet?" #mediocreparenting
- Back to the avid reading, amidst HP4 chapters, he's read about 30 other books this week. His new favorite spot is to read on the porch. The only downside to all of this reading is that he's less interested in snuggling up for a read aloud book BUT he does enjoy a "reading party" (which means that we are all reading in one space), so that for sure is a win.
- He is loving baseball season. At age 7, he's not entirely coordinated but he's super into the rules of the game and he's very motivated to practice. Oftentimes, he is throwing a ball against the fence in the driveway. He had the best night of his life when he got to go to an 8:30 game and, due to a shortage of players, got to play catcher AND 3rd base. That child held his glove up and caught a line drive to third earning himself the game ball. He was positively beaming the rest of the night :)
- Just like a Labrador, he loves to wrestle and race and, when not reading, is happiest to be running around in open spaces.
- He spends a lot of time on his bike in our driveway or playing sports games in our driveway. He'd always be up for a play date, so if you're reading this and have a 5-9 year old, give me a call!
- He thrives in structure and has fully embraced the Camp Landry schedule. When I got lax on day 5 of Camp Landry, he stepped in and wrote the schedule for us.
- He is a great patient and rocked some sinus surgery in early June. After a year of trying every suggestion and ruling out a bunch of things, we opted to have his ENT widen his sinuses and remove his adenoids to hopefully stop the persistent sinus infections that are his norm.
and baby Luke at 2 years 3 months?
- He's still so snuggly! He calls snuggles "nuggles" and asks for them....sigh.
- He's still drinking "mama milk" but now just 2 times a day which he's adjusted to. I weaned Cora at 2 years 6 months...
- He had a potty breakthrough this weekend. We've been stressing how he CANNOT pee or poop in his swimsuit and at the pool he said, "pee pee coming!!!" so I walked him to some grass and took off his diaper. I then told him to make the pee pee come out to which he looked down and said "Pee pee come out!" Which was hilarious as nothing happened. Then he actually peed! And then 30 minutes later the whole scenario repeated itself and he peed again. Milestone! (Followed by a week of no more milestones!)
- He's a destructive force. He dumps things out, swipes things off tables, and if he's mad, he'll throw things as a way of showing you've hurt his feelings. He has (and always has had) a really bad habit of dumping his plate on the floor when he's done. This week he dumped out a bowl of chili. This landed him straight in his crib which just broke his heart. He definitely knows when he's done something wrong and usually will tearfully say "I torry!" and rub your face gently. You can't stay mad at him for long!
We have a sensory bin and what started as such a sweet activity ended up in a HUGE MESS - Luke!!!! |
- He loves to read just as much as Jack and Cora. He's sitting through longer and longer stories and I think he's so smart (and of course I'm not biased.) Jack really wanted Luke to participate in the summer reading challenge too, so I'm managing Luke's log for him which brings to light how many books he asks for in a day.
- I thought Luke would love Vacation Bible School this year. As a 2 year old, he was going to get to pop into some actual classes rather than just stay in the nursery. He had been loving hearing the "Bible Tool Songs" but I underestimated his attachment to me. I was the director/emcee and anytime he would see me, he'd start sobbing and couldn't be consoled. So I had a little shadow much of the week. This was especially cute the day he wore a super hero cape and I had a little caped figure flying after me every time I changed locations. This worked fine and he did participate some and rocked out on the dance moves!
- Luke and I have a game where I'll say "I'm looking around for my favorite Looty-loo and then I'll dramatically look around before finding him right in front of me and say "There he is!" At which point, he'll say "I looking round..favrite Mommy....Dere is!" Here he is looking for me in the trash can :)