Sunday, April 08, 2012

29 weeks

29 weeks pregnant (4/8/12)

Happy Easter to all! This week has given me the chance to do a lot of reflecting. Jacob and I were so lucky to stumble immediately upon Rayne United Methodist Church when we moved to New Orleans almost 3 years ago. It was the first church we visited and we both really liked it.

Over the past few years we have truly loved our pastor, Callie Crawford, and both her messages from the pulpit (she's one of the few ministers who can keep my mind from wandering!!) and the way she ministers to her church family. This past year especially has really cemented Rayne as our church family.

Having attended one church in one city as a child, I know it is a special thing to grow up with this type of extended family. I love going home and visiting my church now. My parents have been part of the same Sunday School class since I was a child. Jacob and I are now part of a small Sunday School class that we helped start last fall and it has been such a blessing. We are 7 couples with similar age children so we have a lot in common and it is SO helpful to be reading and discussing the topic of grace-based parenting and exploring our own spirituality.

I also am doing a year long bible study led by our minister that has me reading scripture daily to get a broad survey of the Bible. I was initially unsure how good I'd be about this, but now I'm finding I love doing it and am also getting so much out these readings!

There are four families that I know of - some well, some not so well that are going through very challenging situations right now. They have been on my mind a lot and in my prayers and I hope they are getting the same peace I have gotten from this Easter week - that there is a world beyond this one, without pain and suffering.

As I'm reminded frequently, parenting is NOT an easy job in any sense of the word, but it is such a blessing and I hope that I will always turn to God for guidance and renewal. I also pray that I am mindful daily of the example I am setting for Jack and that I will know how to teach him about God's love for him. I am truly grateful that I have found a church family to help me with this responsibility.

Week Twenty-Nine Stats:

How it feels to be pregnant at 29 weeks: Feeling pretty good right now, although BIG (see evidence below). I could write a whole post on pregnancy dreams, but let's just say that sleep continues to be interrupted and not all that comfortable. Thanks to Jacob for calming me down after particularly disturbing dreams :) I guess this is nature's way of preparing you (and your husband) for baby nights!

Both shots at 29 weeks with Baby Cora

My healthy pregnancy intentions for last week (how I did):

1) Do all 4 Bradley exercises three days this week (did okay with this)

2) Read three more chapters in my Bradley book (yes)

3) Midwife check-up (we went to every 2 weeks which I will continue since I'm now in the 3rd trimester) (yes - things are good with the exception that my blood work showed I am anemic, so I'm now on twice daily iron supplements)

4) Cook 3-4 healthy meals for my family (yes!)

My healthy pregnancy intentions for this week:

1) Do all 4 Bradley exercises three days this week

2) Read four chapters in Bradley book and continue reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth

3) Cook 4 healthy meals for my family and don't forget to take my iron pills

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