Sunday, December 08, 2013

Birthday Week Festivities

December is a great month for Jack :)

December 1 - The Jesse Tree Project kicks off; Jack loves this new Advent tradition

Our Jesse Tree on day seven
December 3 - Jack turns 4!  Breakfast in bed, Mommy and Cora bring special toppings for Waldorf Nursery's oatmeal snack, and the day ends with a Mommy-Daddy-Jack game of Memory

December 4 - Jack and Mommy make a special trip to the "big" (main branch) library

December 5 - Fire Museum visit with friends Jack and Sam Harmon and Warren Candler

December 6 - Special day with Grammy and Big Papa who are in town for the big party!

December 7 - Meemaw, Tante Molly, Uncle Tony, cousin Wyatt, friend Mattie, Poppy and Tante Sara ...and a new bike arrive!

Jack's "Four-Alarm Fire Birthday" - after four years of outside park birthdays, we now know that you have a 75% chance of having great weather in New Orleans in December.  This year was the other 25% - in the 40s and misty - ouch!  We started off back at the Fire Museum watching the antique fire engine load up for a parade and then had a bounce-house birthday party in the park.

December 8 - Time to test out the new bike

And now the big four year old is in time-out.  He's having a little trouble reentering the real world :)

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