Saturday, November 19, 2011

8 weeks!

8 weeks pregnant! (11/19/11)

8 weeks feels like the first milestone! (I have no idea why.) At 10 weeks, I plan to stop keeping this pregnancy such a secret, so that is the next milestone. And the milestone of feeling better can happen ANY TIME - I am VERY ready!!

I continue to feel a little better. I still have a nauseated feeling most of the time, but it is no longer constant and hasn't been debilitating this week. I'm frustrating Jake with my pickiness about food, but what's a girl to do when SO FEW foods are appealing!

The main challenge this week has just been feeling SO tired. Case in point: I got ELEVEN hours of sleep last night, definitely a record since Jack was born. This included falling asleep on the couch at 8:30 and staying in bed while Jake got up with Jack this morning. Even still it took almost 2 hours for me to stop feeling exhausted after I woke up and start to feel like I could tackle the day.

Jack has continued to be a champ and has been great with his naps (with one exception yesterday). This has been very helpful because I spend the whole 3 hours he is sleeping on the couch, either doing computer tasks or sleeping.

Jake and I went to our first prenatal appointment on Thursday at Woman to Woman Midwifery. This is a practice of two midwives. I had a great appointment - we were there close to 1.5 hours, but only about 5-10 minutes of that was spent waiting. The rest of the time was spent going over my medical history, learning about their practice, talking about this pregnancy, and then getting my exam. Everything looks good and I've gained back about half the weight I lost in the early weeks. We go again on December 15th and plan to bring Jack.

In other news...
- we are slated to move between December 7-10 - ahh! We will be ready, but will the house be??
- Jack now thinks there are two babies in my belly and knows that when the baby is ready, that I will go to the hospital ("hop-ee-pital") and that's where he'll come meet the baby
- somebody is turning 2 in two weeks!!

Week Eight Stats:

How I know I'm pregnant: still feel nauseated, definitely have a small baby bump (that is huge after meals :) ), SOOOO tired, and still sensitive up top, and now I have the midwives' confirmation!

Diet: oatmeal every morning with glass of OJ, bananas for snack, usually peanut butter with apples or bread for lunch, had real dinners this week, though 3 of them were purchased (so I could have exactly what sounded good); not all that interested in sweets which is a big change for me

My healthy pregnancy intentions for last week (how I did):
1) Write down any questions I have before our Thursday appointment. (, but of course left them at home)
2) Keep the pregnancy quiet for at least another week at work. (√ - now it's Thanksgiving break - I plan to tell HR once we are back in school)
3) Try to diversify what I'm eating bc I think I'll feel better with healthier, more varied foods in me. (√ - thanks to Juan's Flying Burrito, Reginellis, and Gott Gourmet for providing me with ready made dinners this week :) )
4) Keep going to bed early and making time for afternoon naps. ()
5) Get back to researching baby boy names. (√ - up through the letter S now)

My healthy pregnancy intentions for this week:
1) Get my labwork done.
2) Continue to research baby boy names.
3) Take advantage of week off and get good rest (while also getting a LOT done for the new house/move/Christmas shopping).
4) Get vegetables back into my diet.
5) Make sure I'm not neglecting my husband like I have these past few weeks.

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