1:15 a.m. - Cora is in bed with Mommy (Daddy is sleeping in the guest room these days)
4:04 a.m. - Got milk?
4:20 a.m. - Lights are out - major spit up - too tired to turn lights back on
5:02 a.m. - Mommy? Cora goes to swing - swing does trick and she falls asleep
7:05 a.m. - Cora starts grunting which wakes Mommy - this is her routine - she'll be waking soon and will be hungry
7:10 a.m. - Jack is awake
Since we are all awake, the whole family gets in bed and reads some books and gets some snuggles
7:28 a.m. - Cora gives her first smile to Daddy; Mommy is lucky enough to see it too
Mommy makes breakfast, Daddy gets a shower, Jack plays garbage trucks (perilously close to Cora)
8:00 a.m. - Mommy, Jack and Cora leave for a walk; Daddy goes to work
Somebody is awake and curious the whole ride
8:20 a.m. - Swing by Arabella St. Fire Station to check out fire engines
8:45 a.m. - Arrive at park; Jack swings and slides; Cora "swings" in Jack's lap
9:30 a.m. - Home and feeding Cora
Build lego fire stations with Jack, change Cora's diaper (and color coordinate it with her clothes - so much fun!), pick up the house
10:05 - Shower for Mommy
10:12 - Fussy baby, back to swing
10:20 - Jack: "I did a poopy - want to come and see it?," Since he's already in bathroom, he gets his teeth brushed and dressed.
10:35 - Reading books in Cora's room
Mommy ready to go; Cora: screaming; Jack: "NO! I don't WANT to!"
10:55 - Everyone is in car
11:10 - Cora in Ergo baby carrier; Jack wearing leash backpack; quick farmer's market visit where Jack eats a peach off the table without buying it and Mommy manages to buy a watermelon and get it and J&C back to car
11:30 - home: Mommy does dishes, Jack plays garbage trucks
Cora gets rocked to sleep while fire trucks crash in the other room
11:55 - Jack and Mommy read Fox in Socks
12:15 - Eat lunch - grilled cheese on farmer's market bread; lychees, cherries, and bananas from the Hong Kong Market (thanks to Daddy)
12:20 - Cora wants to eat too
The couch becomes a garbage truck.
12:45 - Nap routine: read The Jungle Book and Pirates Go to School
1:00 - Soothe crying Cora, Mommy soothed by chocolate
34 minutes of quiet: Mommy reads chapter for Sunday School lesson
1:34 - "Mommy...I didn't take a nap but I was quiet." Mommy sets timer for 25 more minutes and Jack gets back in bed with instructions to read.
1:56 - "Mommy, I need to poopy". And boy does he.
Jack emerges from quiet time in a super sweet mood. He has been saying "That will be a good idea?" after most of his thoughts all day. Gets me every time.
2:07 - Jack watches first part of Cinderella while Mommy finishes her chapter and checks her email
2:35 - Snacktime for Jack and Mommy
2:52 - Jack: "You want to read this book?" Mommy trys negotiating a different book because, no, Mommy doesn't want to read that Elmo book again. We end up reading the Elmo book and another book.
3:10 - Mommy talks to Grammy while Jack wanders off; Cora is still sleeping
3:20 - Up to the dollhouse - Jack is making fire stations and gets Mommy to play "band"
Day starts to feel long
4:00 - Cora wakes up and eats; time out #1 of day
Drum stick goes to time out
4:15 - Diaper change and 2 smiles for Mommy
Time out #2; Mommy sends Jack off to play by himself and puts laundry away and "organizes"

Another kind friend brings dinner by - Jack asks said friend and Mommy "do you wanna play?" no less than 20 times.
Cora starts crying.
Jack gets bath from Daddy.
6:35 - Dinner time!
6:45 - Cora seems to get hungry whenever everyone else is eating.
7:00 - Jack gets teeth brushed and chooses Peter Pan to read
7:15 - Prayers are said and lights are out
Cora spends her evening in the bouncy seat, in Mommy's lap, and being held by Daddy.
9:00 - Bath for Cora
9:18 - Cora eats again
9:35 - Cora is asleep - but for how long?
1 comment:
Oh Courtney! This makes me tired, although I am sure my day is very similar. Felix also says "doesn't that sound like a great idea mama," many times a day. We have such sweet boys. Hope to see you soon.
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