Friday, June 06, 2014

What Was Lost

I started this blog to keep a record of what happened as the Landry Family grew and grew up.  My first regular posts were weekly ones in the early days of my pregnancy with Cora.  I'd write the posts and then save them as drafts, to be published later when we'd widely shared the news we were pregnant.

In April and May, I found myself doing this again as we were excited to be expecting baby #3.  In mid-May, I experienced a miscarriage.  One day, I imagine I'll want to share more about what this experience was like.  For now, suffice to say, it has been heart-wrenching, unexpected, and so very, very sad.

I've been debating about whether to write about it.  But then again, I'd already written about it in these three special posts detailing how I was feeling to be pregnant, for the third time.  As I know so many women can relate, a miscarried pregnancy is still a very real pregnancy.  For a time, it was as alive and hope-filled as the pregnancies that bring us our children that we get to hold and know.

So I share that I've had a miscarriage because I want to share how happy and how special it was to be pregnant with this child, if even for a short time.  It is definitely a part of our family's story.

Our Life in Children's Books
Pregnant for the third time
Me and My 3 Kids

If you know of anyone who has had a miscarriage, I highly recommend the book What Was Lost: A Christian Journey through Miscarriage.  This book has been serving as a special companion through the experience, even more so for me as it was written by the minister who married Jacob and me, a loving voice through a difficult time.

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